Saturday, October 16, 2010

A new Dawn @ Tawau

This is Zaza logging in from MB Hotel Tawau.

Had a very bz day here upon arrival. We [me & downline Kak Tana, Stokis Sony BB Bangi] checked in, and decided to straight away get down to work, Kak Azizah our host suggested for us to rest, but resting is not the reason why we came all the way here. I ignored the fact that I only slept for 2 hours last nite  and I didn't slept the whole 3 hours flight finishing my notes. 

Alhamdulillah we made some good sales and marketing just now and we're now preparing for the event tomorrow ~ Kursus Trader Tawau @ MB Hotel whose biggest attendees will be from my leader's people here, Ugie Beauty Cosmetic. Thanks to Kak Azizah n Hubby Zulkifli, this is made possible. My dream to explore the Sabahan market is finally become true.

I hope this is a good turning point for us. Market looks very bright here, we're basically conquering the whole of Tawau and hopefully Sabah very soon. Although Kak Azizah wasn't d first one to introduce Litchin in Tawau or Sabah for that matter, looking at her & hubby's commitment, I have high hopes. Insya Allah, this is a new dawn for Emas Sutera!

For Tawau people who are interested to come over for Scanning & Consultation, give them a call/visit ~ Stokis Bandar Tawau | Ugie Beauty Cosmetic @ Sabindo Square 089 755942 | 0192605942

1 comment:

  1. where to find this person ting yuan ling 810925125062?
