Friday, January 21, 2011

Salah Tanggapan tentang GEMUK AIR.

[post ini di tulis pada 21 June 2010 saya 'naikkan' semula post ini untuk pelanggan-pelanggan baru]

I'm sure ramai yang dah come across this term. Yang tak bestnya, ramaaaaaiiiii tersalah erti apa maksud gemuk air ni. Lagi pulak bila datang kat saya buat Body Scanning, ada TBW [Total Body Water] mati-matilah mereka ingatkan mereka gemuk air...
Soalan ni sebenarnya dah ditanya kepada saya berpuluh kali, lagi banyak daripada puluhan set Litchin yang dah laku kat Butik kami. Tapi sebab tadi alang-alang saya dah menaip kat Facebook, saya nak paste lah apa yang saya type kan dekat one potential client tadi kat sini... Untuk mereka-mereka yang saya pantau, sila take note ya :o)
gemuk air bukan sebab u terlampau banyak minum air, itu lagi satu salah persepsi tentang diet. gemuk air is commonly called water retention.
masa u amik litchin ni, u akan minum lebih banyak daripada u minum masa u amik product *toot*. tapi masa product *toot*, thru my experience, kena paksa minum air. dahlah dah kembung minum shake yang muak, then nak kena minum lagi air berliter liter... adui pening.
Ok tu iklan, back to Water retention. Water retention terjadi ada beberapa sebab, one common cause is menses [period] yang ni u takleh buat apa dan ianya sementara sahaja.
another cause is apabila there's too much garam in ur body [obviously kepada mereka yang suka makan masin-masin dan asam jeruk] menghalang penyerapan air ke dalam sel sel badan, ur body begins to retain the water. kalau ini sebabnya, dun be surprise if i say cara nak mengubatnya ialah dengan minum air sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter sehari untuk mengurangkan kepekatan garam dalam darah.
lagi satu reason [common di kalangan orang gemuk/obese] ialah sistem limphatic kita tidak berfungsi dengan baik cecair yg berlebihan tidak di flushed of from our body dan membentuk water retention.
Lastly and worst thing, bila kita banyak visceral fat n cholesterol, lagi senang nak dapat water retention. Bila dah banyak Visceral fat, kita dah start developing hypertension. Eventhough doktor belum diagnose kita ada darah tinggi dan sebagainya, tapi pembuluh darah kita dah mula sempit dek visceral fat ni. Kita mulalah bertekanan darah tinggi [walaupun belum bahaya] dan tekanan darah tinggi and water retention go hand in hand, berganding. Hypertension boleh berpunca daripada too much fluid di dalam pembuluh darah ATAUPUN terlampau banyak cecair yang berlebihan di dalam pembuluh darah, meaning its vice versa. Blood pressure measures the force of blood against the walls of your blood vessels, lama kelamaan dia jadik hypertensionlah.
Itulah sebenarnya yang orang sebuk kata *gemuk air* without memahami apa sebenarnya maksud istilah tuh....
more iklan... or more like luahan perasaan.. hehe~
Litchin is indeed a phenomenon, benar kata iklannya. Ianya sangat berkesan dan dikehendaki, berebut-rebut peniaga nak menjualnya. Masalahnya, tak semua memberi nasihat yang betul tentang cara pengambilan dan apa komitmen yang harus diberikan. Tak kurang juga yang memberikan gambaran yang salah, Litchin kononnya boleh buat pelanggan kurus tanpa mengubah atau peduli tentang cara pemakanan pelanggan itu. Makan je Litchin dah boleh kurus, kononnya. But no, it doesn’t stop there. Memanglah kita tak berlapar, sebab kita tak rasa lapar. Tapi... Kita MESTI makan. Cuma MAKAN tu, ada CARAnya.
Ya, saya beruntung. Alhamdulillah, saya berasal dari background Sains & Biologi yang baik, saya mempunyai cikgu-cikgu yang berdedikasi di sekolah, yang tidak lokek ilmu untuk dikongsi bersama anak-anak didiknya di Sekolah Menengah Sains Muzaffar Syah, Melaka suatu masa dahulu. Saya bersyukur kerana saya telah diajar sehingga benar-benar faham bagaimana Sistem Pencernaan, Penghadaman dan Perkumuhan berfungsi. Lagi pula, ramai di antara kami [bekas pelajar Mozac] jadik nutritionist. Dari situ, saya ada banyak advantage berbanding ramai trader lain, saya cuba kongsikan semasa saya pergi kursus di HQ De Bella malahan juga di Facebook. De Bella juga berkata pihak mereka telah menjadi pendidik kepada kami trader-trader Litchin, dan saya tidak menafikannya. Tetapi yang saya harapkan, biarlah perniagaan ini perniagaan yang barakah. Kerana pada saya, apabila saya berniaga, saya bukan sahaja inginkan wang, tapi saya juga ingin berkhidmat. Wang ialah harta saya di dunia, tapi khidmat nasihat yang saya berikan saya harapkan menjadi amal jariah buat bekalan di akhirat.

So I hope kepada mereka yang masih sudi menerima khidmat saya, terima kasih kerana memberikan saya peluang untuk beramal sambil berniaga. Tetapi kalau yang sudah tidak sudi, mungkin ada sebab tersendiri, saya harap pengetahuan yang sudah saya curahkan diguna-pakai dan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya, Wallahua'lam.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alkaline Food.

[post ini di tulis pada18 July 2010 saya 'naikkan' semula post ini untuk pelanggan-pelanggan baru]

Thanks to my client, Kak Tosiah for reminding me of this topic :o)
I began 'scavenging' for alkaline food eversince we wanted to conceive again, cus this time we want a babyboy badly. As I carried out researches on alkaline food, I began to realize alkaline food can help us reduce weight very effectively as well as maintaining good health.

"Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables...striking the optimum 80/20 balance and regulating your body's acid/alkaline chemistry through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength,a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing.' 
Dr Robert O. Young, Pioneering scientist and author of The pH Miracle

So when Kak Tosiah came over today and talked about alkaline food, barula teringat... y not share it kan :o)
Here's an article i read quite some time ago from nasib baik bookmarked :o)

Maintaining an Acid Alkaline Balance is vital to our health

How did we become so out of balance?
After years of societal changes, millions of pounds of marketing spend and technological advances we, as a race, are now facing more dietary based health challenges than ever before.  It is no coincidence that the rapidly growing numbers of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes correlate almost exactly with the rise in consumption of acid forming foods such as sugars, saturated fats, and white breads. At the same time our consumption of fresh alkaline vegetables and essential fatty acids has decreased dramatically, making way for convenience and a generation hooked on sugary treats.

Becoming Alkaline
This is not as difficult or as technical as it sounds.  When we talk about eating alkaline foods or starting an alkaline diet we are referring to consuming those foods and drink which have an alkaline effect on the body.  This effect is based upon the mineral content of the food and therefore the ash residue that remains after our foods are consumed.  Some foods leave an acid ash, whereas others leave an alkaline ash. Conveniently for us, it just so happens that the foods that contain alkaline minerals (and leave an alkaline ash) are all the foods we already know are good for us: low sugar foods, fresh alkaline vegetables etc. And the foods that contain minerals that leave an acid ash? You guessed it, sweets, alcohol, saturated fats, meats, dairy etc.
Of course, everybody is different - but most of us should aim to eat 70-80% alkaline foods and a maximum of 20-30% acid forming foods.
This does not have to be measured in calories, grams or anything technical, just look at your plate! Is 70% of the food on it alkalising? And for the other 30%? You can do with this what you like (how acid is up to you - dependent upon the results you want), but feel free to go for some oily fish, wholemeal pasta or wild rice for example.

note :: Please note that some foods, such as citrus fruits, have an acidic pH before they are consumed and but they usually leave an alkaline residue in the body after they have been metabolized. 
An alkaline food list is a list of foods that make you more alkaline afteryou've digested them. Not all raw food is alkalizing. And, some acid foods actually increase your pH. For example, a lemon is acid when you eat it, but alkalizing after you've digested it. 

Here are some good links to Acid & Alkali food list and also understanding 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Nyonya Kebaya Splendour is back!

The famous, authentic Nyonya Kebaya is a traditional costume to the Peranakan Chinese. The unique and beautiful Nyonya Kebaya has been iconic and it makes the wearer looks supremely pretty and elegant. Our Nyonya Kebaya features the original Kasa Rubia material and Sulam Goyang, this sulam [embroidery] is nothing like the normal sulam we always see, it's very fine, the threads are swen together to make up the kerawang which in usual sulam it's normally being cut or tebuk.

It's now back @ Emas Sutera, awaited, anticipated by oh-so-many collectors. This colorful garment has its own fans, so hurry if u wanna grab one! At the moment we haf limited pieces and sizes. And you know we can alter it to suit your figure.